12 goals for 2012: An Update

Way back in January of this year, I posted a list of goals for myself. I thought it was high time for me to update everyone on my progress. So here’s where I’m at:

  1. Finish knitting the wrap sweater I started 3 or 4 years ago.
  2. Photograph the collection of childhood sweaters my Nana crocheted for me as a kid. Read about it here.
  3. Create 5 free printables for blog.
  4. Use up entire stack of printmaking paper.
  5. Make a linocut you’re really proud of (this will aid in accomplishing item #4).
  6. Read a book.
  7. Send some of your food photos to a magazine and see if they will print them.
  8. Make a spring wreath out of crepe paper.
  9. Design a website pro bono.
  10. Find a new recipe and make it.
  11. Sew a shirt.
  12. Frame a piece of artwork.

Not amazing, but actually better than I thought (is that sad?). I’m not giving up just yet. I may not complete everything on the list, but I’m sure gonna try. Stay tuned.

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